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*Posts from Before the Dawn to Cynicism and a Glass of Wine were written before the blog was created-(July 2008, November 2009- January 2010)

Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Chamber

The Chamber
By: Katie M. Moss

The warmth sustains me in my dark, lightless chamber.
The rays slide effortlessly through the bars of the window--
Leading me, begging me, to come outside.
I smell flowers, and spring, and heaven‘s dew upon grass.
I open my eyes, and  see the four posts of my own bed. 

The birds sound the same, in this still room of mine.
The flowers still flowers, and vines--
--wrap around the posts of my bed.
I wish I were dead.
How I wish I were dead.
For but to live, as happy as this--
Is quite surely bliss--my soul’s own new bliss.
Sustainable bliss.
From one little kiss.


  1. Why wish for death if liviing is bliss?

  2. Because dying is representative in dreams and poetry of not always literally dying--but of dying to old ways or one's old life so that he/she may live again to walk along a new path.
    And also, of course, the saying "I'm so happy I could die right now!"
    And also, because I write whatever comes to my head. But, in later analysis, that's how I read it anyway.
